

Circular Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of 11 November 2020

Here you will find the location of the speed detection devices and devices for detecting traffic light infractions

Medium speed

S.P. ex S.S. 412 della Val Tidone

direction Landriano up to km 2+470 – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:

Varco A serial number n°AN0112K

Varco B serial number n° AN0121K

Calibration certificates:

LAT 255 CT-VM-24-0075 released by Engine S.p.a on 13-08-2024

Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 255 CT-D-20-0007 released by Engine s.r.l. on 29-08-2020

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

direction Milano up to km 1+450 – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:

• Varco A1 serial number n° AN0127K

• Varco B1 serial number n° AN0123K

Calibration certificates:

LAT 255 CT-VM-24-0076 released by Engine S.p.a. on 13-08-2024

Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 255 CT-D-20-0008 released by Engine s.r.l. on 29-08-2020

Approval systems:

Executive Decree n° 290 of 25-07-2023

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

S.P. ex S.S. 11 Padana Superiore (discontinued)

direction Milano up to km 132+110 – Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:


• Varco A serial number n° AK0658H

• Varco B serial number n° AK0754H


Calibration certificates:

LAT 255 CT-VM-21-0067 1 released by Engine s.r.l. on 14-10-2021


Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 255 CT-D-20-0009 released by Engine s.r.l. on 24-09-2020


Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016


direction Bareggio up to km 131+140 – Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:

• Varco A1 serial number n° AL0995H

• Varco B1 serial number n° AL0998H


Calibration certificates:

LAT 255 CT-VM-21-0066 released by Engine s.r.l. on 23-09-2021


Trafficking measurement certificate:

LAT 255 CT-D-20-0010 released by Engine s.r.l. on 24-09-2020


Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

S.P. 15 bis Paullese – Circonvallazione Idroscalo

Instantaneous speed

S.S. 336 dir branch road to Malpensa Airport

km 14+260 direction Cardano al Campo – Speed limit: 110 km/h

Device serial no:

• AM0037K – 0x0003A2D7

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20231215_26 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 20-12-2023

System approval:

Executive Decree No. 349 of 16-08-2021

Executive decree no. 555 of 24-12-2021

km 14+610 direction Magenta – Speed limit: 110 km/h

Device serial no:

AM0036K – 0x0003A2D3

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20231215_25 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 20-12-2023

System approval:

Executive Decree No. 349 of 16-08-2021

Executive Decree No. 555 of 24-12-2021

S.P. ex S.S. 35 Milano-Meda

km 133+354 direzione Milano – Limite di velocità: 100 km/h

Matricola dispositivo:


Certificato di taratura:

LAT249_20240905_5 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 09-09-20234


Dispositivi matricola AN0115K-0x0003A213 LAT249_20231018_02 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 24-10-2023

Dispositivi matricola AK0674H – 0x0002DC87 LAT249_20230222_03 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 27-02-2023

Dispositivi matricola AK0674H – 0x00029567 LAT249_20220317_02 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 22-03-2022

Dispositivi matricola AK0674H-0X00029748: LAT249_20210408_02 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 16-04-2021

Dispositivo matricola AK0674H-0x0002DCBA: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_149_20 del 06-05-2020

Dispositivi matricola AH0212H-0x00029564: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_481_19 del 17-12-2019

Dispositivi matricola AH0212H-0x0002955C: LAT249_20190111_05 del 15-01-2019

Dispositivi matricola AH0212H-0x0002956B: LAT 105 VEL_014_18 del 26-02-2018

Dispositivi matricola AH0212H-0x00029549: LAT 105 UOD_FR 207_17 del 02-05-2017

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3833443: LAT 101 O152_2016_ACCR del 12-07-2016

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3919444: LAT 101 O153_2016_ACCR del 12-07-2016

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3919444: LAT 101 J999_2015_ACCR del 16-07-2015

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3833443: LAT 101 J998_2015_ACCR del 16-07-2015

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3919444: LAT 101 I234_2014_ACCR del 28-11-2014

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3833443: LAT 101 I233_2014_ACCR del 28-11-2014

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3835443: LAT 101 H373_2014_ACCR del 07-08-2014

Dispositivi matricola AE0130E-CMP3833443: LAT 101 H372_2014_ACCR del 07-08-2014

Dispositivi matricola 593-072/71354: LAT 101 G744_2014_ACCR del 26-05-2014

Dispositivi matricola 593-072/71354: LAT 101 E104_2013_ACCR del 12-06-2013

Dispositivi matricola 593-072/71354: LAT 101 A959_2012_ACCR del 18-06-2012

Approvazione sistema:

Decreto dirigenziale n° 290 del 25.07.2023

km 134+046 direzione Meda – Limite di velocità: 100 km/h

Matricola dispositivo:


Certificato di taratura:

LAT249_20240905_6 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl el 09-09-2024


Dispositivi matricola AN0116K-0x0003A214 LAT249_20231018_03 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl el 24-10-2023

Dispositivi matricola AK0675H – 0x0002DCBA LAT249_20230222_10 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl el 27-02-2023

Dispositivi matricola AK0675H – 0x00028CCD LAT249_20220317_01 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 22-03-2022

Dispositivi matricola AK0675H-0X00029577: LAT249_20210408_01 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 16-04-2021

Dispositivi matricola AK0675H-0x0002DCC2: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_150_20 del 05-05-2020

Dispositivi matricola AG0106H-0x00029544: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_478_19 del 17-12-2019

Dispositivi matricola AG0106H-0x00028BF3: LAT249_20190111_07 del 15-01-2019

Dispositivi matricola AG0106H-0x00029592: LAT 105 VEL_015_18 del 26-02-2018

Dispositivi matricola AG0106H-0x00029529: LAT 105 UOD_FR 198_17 del 26-04-2017

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3814223: LAT 101 O003_2016_ACCR del 12-07-2016

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3275066: LAT 101 O002_2016_ACCR del 12-07-2016

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3275066: LAT 101 M948_2016_ACCR del 20-04-2016

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3892408: LAT 101 J997_2015_ACCR del 16-07-2015

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3814223: LAT 101 J996_2015_ACCR del 16-07-2015

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3892408: LAT 101 H371_2014_ACCR del 07-08-2014

Dispositivi matricola AE0131E-CMP3814223: LAT 101 H370_2014_ACCR del 07-08-2014

Dispositivi matricola 593-072/71356: LAT 101 G742_2014_ACCR del 26-05-2014

Dispositivi matricola 593-072/71356: LAT 101 E103_2013_ACCR del 12-06-2013

Dispositivi matricola 593-072/71356: LAT 101 B123_2012_ACCR del 03-07-2012

Approvazione sistema:

Decreto dirigenziale n° 290 del 25.07.2023

S.P. 40 Binasco-Melegnano

km 12+490 direction Binasco – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:


Calibration certificate:

• LAT249_20240920_8 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis in data 25-09-2024

Approval system:

• Decreto dirigenziale n° 290  del 25-07-2023

km 13+031 direction Melegnano – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:


  Calibration certificate:

• LAT249_20240905_7 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis in data 09-09-2024

Approval system:

• Decreto dirigenziale n° 290  del 25-07-2023

A S.P. 103 Cassanese Moderna

km 6+240 direction Milano – Speed limit: 70 km/h

Serial number device:

• AN0105K-0x0003B07F

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20240920_7 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 25-09-2024

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 1550 of 17-03-2017

Executive Decree n° 4020 of 21-06-2017

km 6+260 direction Brescia – Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:

• AM1120H-CMP3833181-CMP3733520 

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20220317_36 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 06-04-2022

LAT249_20220111_09 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 17-01-2022

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree n° 552 del 23-12-2021

S.P. ex S.S. 11 Padana Superiore (discontinued)
S.P. 30 Binasco-Vermezzo

km 9+792 direction Binasco -Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:

• AP0189K-0x00043FC5

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20240427_10 realeased by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in 30-04 -2024

Approval system:


Executive Decree n° 290 del 25-07-2023

km 10+097 direction Vermezzo – Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:

• AP0188K-0x00043E66

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20240702_08 realeased by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in 05-07-2024

Approval system:


Executive Decree n° 290 del 25-07-2023

S.P. 14 Rivoltana

km 6+965 direction Milano – Speed limit: 110 km/h

Serial number device:

• AL0827H-CMP3387107 – CMP3675389 – CMP3652389

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20240117_03 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 19-01-2024

LAT249_20240117_05 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 19-01-2024

•LAT249_20240117_04  rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis srl in data 19-01-2024


•  Devices serial no AL0827H-CMP3672389-CMP3688280- CMP3661389 LAT249_20230222_18 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 27-02-2023

Devices serial no AL0827H-CMP3672389-CMP3688280- CMP3661389 LAT249_20230222_21 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 27-02-2023

Devices serial no. AL0827H-CMP3672389-CMP3688280- CMP3661389 LAT249_20230222_17 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 27-02-2023

Devices serial no. AK0773H – CMP3814181 – CMP3867201 – CMP3817181 LAT249_20220317_45 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 22-03-2022

Devices serial no. AK0773H – CMP3814181 – CMP3867201 – CMP3817181 LAT249_20220317_34 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 22-03-2022

Devices serial no. AK0773H – CMP3814181 – CMP3867201 – CMP3817181 LAT249_20220317_42 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 22-03-2022

Device serial number AK0689H – CMP3814181 – CMP3867201 – CMP3817181 LAT249_20220317_45 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 22-03-2022

Device serial number AK0689H – CMP3814181 – CMP3867201 – CMP3817181 LAT249_20220317_34 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 22-03-2022

Device serial number AK0689H – CMP3814181 – CMP3867201 – CMP3817181 LAT249_20220317_42 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 22-03-2022

Device serial number AK0689H-CMP3525088-CMP3854201-CMP3560168: LAT249_20210408_16 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 16-04-2021

Device serial number AK0689H-CMP3525088-CMP3854201-CMP3560168: LAT249_20210825_03 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 30-08-2021

Device serial number AK0689H-CMP3525088-CMP3854201-CMP3560168: LAT249_20210408_18 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 16-04-2021

Device serial number AK0684H-CMP3525088-CMP3854201-CMP3560168: LAT249_20210408_18 del 16-04-2021

Device serial number AK0684H-CMP3525088-CMP3854201-CMP3560168: LAT249_20210825_03 del 30-08-2021

Device serial number AK0684H-CMP3525088-CMP3854201-CMP3560168: LAT249_20210408_16 del 16-04-2021

Device serial number AK0684H-CMP3672389-CMP3670389-CMP3673389: LAT249_20200519_06 of 27-05-2020

Device serial number AK0684H-CMP3672389-CMP3670389-CMP3673389: LAT249_20200519_11 of 27-05-2020

Device serial number AK0684H-CMP3672389-CMP3670389-CMP3673389: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_140_20 of06-05-2020

Device serial number AK0632H-0x0002952D-0x0002953F: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_480_19 of 17-12-2019

Device serila number AK0643H-0x0002952D-0x0002953F: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_479_19 of 17-12-2019

Device serial number AI0301H-0x0002952D-0x0002953F: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_480_19 of 17-12-2019

Device serial number AI0301H-0x0002952D-0x0002953F: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_479_19 of 17-12-2019

Device serial number AI301H-0x00029529-0x00029555: LAT249_20190111_04 of 15-01-2019

Device serial number AI301H-0x00029529-0x00029555: LAT249_20190111_02 of 15-01-2019

Device serial number AI0301H-0x00029565-0x00029566: LAT 105 VEL_001_18 of 25-01-2018

Device serial number AI0301H-0x00029565-0x00029566: LAT 105 VEL_002_18 of 25-01-2018

Device serial number AG0253E-CMP3130485-­CMP3340146-CMP3092485: LAT 101 R224_2017_ACCR of 08-02-2017

Device serial number AG0253E-CMP3130485-­CMP3340146-CMP3092485: LAT 101 R225_2017_ACCR of 15-02-2017

Device serial number AG0253E-CMP3130485-­CMP3340146-CMP3092485: LAT 101 R226_2017_ACCR of 08-02-2017

Device serial number AG0253E-CMP3130485-­CMP3122485-CMP3092485: LAT 101 M154_2016_ACCR of 10-02-2016

Device serial number AG0253E-CMP3130485-­CMP3122485-CMP3092485: LAT 101 M153_2016_ACCR of 10-02-2016

Device serial number AG0253E-CMP3130485-­CMP3122485-CMP3092485: LAT 101 M152_2016_ACCR of 10-02-2016

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

km 8+039 direction Brescia – Speed limit: 110 km/h

Serial number device:

•AK0685H-CMP3742520 – CMP3663389

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20240117_10 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 19-01-2024

LAT249_20240117_02 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 19-01-2024


• AK0685H-CMP3689280-CMP3560168 LAT249_20230222_22 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 27-02-2023

AK0685H-CMP3689280-CMP3560168 LAT249_20230222_20 rilasciato da Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. in data 27-02-2023

CMP3785161 – CMP3828181 LAT249_20220317_44 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 22-03-2022

CMP3785161 – CMP3828181 LAT249_20220317_39 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 22-04-2022

Devices Serial No. AL1000H-CMP3785161-CMP3828181: LAT249_20220317_44 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 22-03-2022

Devices Part Number AL1000H-CMP3785161-CMP3828181: LAT249_20220317_39 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 06-04-2022

Devices serial no. AL1000H-CMP3657389-CMP3668389: LAT249_20210506_22_01 issued by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 14-05-2021

Device serial number AL1000H-CMP3657389-CMP3668389: LAT249_20210506_22_01 released by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 14-05-2021

Device serial number AL1000H-CMP3657389-CMP3668389: LAT249_20210506_24_01 released by Pulenergy Metrovis S.r.l. on 14-05-2021

Devices serial number AK0686H – AK0686H – CMP668389: LAT249_20210506_24_01 of 14-05-2021

Devices serial number AK0686H – CMP3657389: LAT249_20210506_22_01 of 14-05-2021

Devices serial number AK0686H – CMP3712280: LAT249_20201006_13 of 16-10-2020

Devices serial number AK0686H – CMP3663389: LAT249_20201006_14 of 16-10-2020

Device serial number AK0686H-CMP3657389: LAT249_20200519_07 of 27-05-2020

Device serial number AK0686H-CMP3649389: LAT249_20200519_09 of 27-05-2020

Device serial number AI0300H-0x00029594: LAT 105 UOD_FR VEL_483_19 of 17-12-2019

Device serial number AI0300H-0x00029526: LAT249_20190111_01 of 15-01-2019

Device serial number AI0300H-0x00029567: LAT 105 VEL_003_18 of 25-01-2018

Device serial number AG0254E-CMP3168485-CMP3131485: LAT 101 R223_2017_ACCR of 08-02-2017

Device serial number AG0254E-CMP3168485-CMP3131485: LAT 101 R222_2017_ACCR of 08-02-2017

Device serial number AG0254E-CMP3168485-CMP3131485: LAT 101 M151_2016_ACCR of 10-02-2016

Device serial number AG0254E-CMP3168485-CMP3131485: LAT 101 M150_2016_ACCR of 10-02-2016

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

S.P. ex S.S. 415 Paullese

km 7+051 direction Milano – Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:

• AK0754H-CMP3481088-CMP3649389

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20231127_11 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 30-11-2023

LAT249_20231127_12 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 30-11-2023

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

km 7+581 direction Paullo – Speed limit: 90 km/h

Serial number device:

• AP1740H-CMP3712280-CMP3854201

Calibration certificate:

LAT249_20231127_19 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 30-11-2023

LAT249_20231127_18 released by Pulenergy Metrovis on 30-11-2023

Approval system:

Executive Decree n° 4671 of 28-07-2016

Executive Decree n° 4018 of 21-06-2017

Traffic light infringements

Intersection of S.P. 39 dir diramazione della Cerca with Via del Mulino
Intersection of S.P. 179 Villa Fornaci-Trezzo with Via Roma and Via I Maggio
Intersection of S.P. 199 Baranzate-Sesto San Giovanni con Via Adelchi

Directress S.P. 199 Baranzate-Sesto San Giovanni dir. Bresso

Serial number device:

• AP1780H

Certifications of correct system operation:

Certifications of correct system operation – serial number AP1780H – 30-07-2024

Yellow duration measurement certificates:

Yellow duration measurament certificate – Direttrice S.P. 199 Baranzate-Sesto San Giovanni dir. Bresso – dritto

Yellow duration measurament certificate – Direttrice S.P. 199 Baranzate-Sesto San Giovanni dir. Bresso – svolta a sinistra

Approval system:

Executive decree n° 1550 of 17-03-2017

Executive decree n° 4020 of 21-06-2017

Executive decree n° 183 of 01-06-2020

Executive decree n° 550 of 23-12-2021

Directress S.P. 199 Baranzate-Sesto San Giovanni dir. Novate Milanese

Serial number device:

• AM1181H

Certifications of correct system operation:

Certifications of correct system operation: – serial number AM1181H – 17-07-2024

Yellow duration measurement certificates:

Yellow duration measurament certificate –Direttrice S.P. 199 Baranzate-Sesto San Giovanni dir. Novate Milanese

Approval system:

Executive decree n° 1550 of 17-03-2017

Executive decree n° 4020 of 21-06-2017

Executive decree n° 183 of 01-06-2020

Executive decree n° 550 of 23-12-2021

Intersection of S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Trezzano sul Naviglio

Direttrice S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Trezzano sul Naviglio

Matricola dispositivo:

• AM1405H

Certificazione di corretto funzionamento dell’impianto:

Certificazione di corretto funzionamento dell’impianto – matricola AM1405H 2024

Certificazioni di misurazione della durata del giallo:

Certificato di misurazione durata del giallo – Direttrice S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Trezzano sul Naviglio – svolta a destra

Certificato di misurazione durata del giallo – Direttrice S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Trezzano sul Naviglio – dritto

Approvazione sistema:

Decreto dirigenziale n° 1550 del 17-03-2017

Decreto dirigenziale n° 4020 del 21-06-2017

Decreto dirigenziale n° 183 del 01-06-2020

Decreto dirigenziale n° 550 del 23-12-2021

Direttrice S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Abbiategrasso

Matricola dispositivo:

• AM1404H

Certificazioni di corretto funzionamento dell’impianto:

Certificazione di corretto funzionamento dell’impianto – matricola AM1404H 2024

Certificazioni di misurazione della durata del giallo:

Certificato di misurazione durata del giallo – Direttrice S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Abbiategrasso – dritto

Certificato di misurazione durata del giallo – Direttrice S.P. 59 Corsico-Gaggiano dir. Abbiategrasso – svolta a sinistra

Approvazione sistema:

Decreto dirigenziale n° 1550 del 17-03-2017

Decreto dirigenziale n° 4020 del 21-06-2017

Decreto dirigenziale n° 183 del 01-06-2020

Decreto dirigenziale n° 550 del 23-12-2021

Intersection of S.P. 34 per Turbigo con la S.P. 129 S.P. 34 per Turbigo dir. Mesero
Intersection of S.P. 34 for Turbigo with S.P. 171 Inveruno-Nerviano and Via Palestro

Direction S.P. 34 for Turbigo dir. Buscate

Serial Number Device:

• AM1340H

Certification of correct operation of the system:

Certification of correct operation of the system – device serial no. AM1340H


Certification of correct operation of the system – device serial no. AM1340H 2023

Certification of yellow duration measurement:

Certificate of yellow duration measurement – Direction S.P. 34 for Turbigo dir. Buscate – left turn

Certificate of yellow duration measurement – Direttrice S.P. 34 per Turbigo dir. Buscate – straight ahead

Certificate of yellow duration measurement – Direction S.P. 34 for Turbigo dir. Buscate – right turn

System approval:

Executive Decree No. 1550 of 17-03-2017

Executive Decree No. 4020 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree No. 183 of 01-06-2020

Executive Decree No. 550 dated 23-12-2021

Director S.P. 34 for Turbigo dir. Mesero

Serial Number Device:

• AM1339H

Certification of proper operation of the system:

Certification of correct operation of the system – device serial no. AM1339H


Certification of correct operation of the system – device serial no. AM1339H 2023

Certification of yellow duration measurement:

Certificate of yellow duration measurement – Direction S.P. 34 for Turbigo dir. Mesero – left turn

Certificate of yellow duration measurement – Direction S.P. 34 for Turbigo dir. Mesero – straight ahead

System approval:

Executive Decree No. 1550 of 17-03-2017

Executive Decree No. 4020 of 21-06-2017

Executive Decree No. 183 of 01-06-2020

Executive Decree No. 550 dated 23-12-2021

Intersection of the S.P. ex S.S. 525 del Brembo with Via Roma and Via per Groppello